Vision Studios Photography

Established Friday, May 18, 2007

Hello everyone…

After hearing about issues between photographers’ rules and methodologies and customers’ apathy towards them, or lack of acceptance, I’ve decided to start a new category on my blog which will house a series of posts dedicated to educating clients. I’ve seen countless posts in other wedding websites where brides or brides-to-be comment about a particular photographer’s method of doing things, and response after response the aggravation grows, and I just think if the clients understood why certain things are done the way they are done, this wouldn’t happen.

That being said, after it’s all said and done, the customer and client may still not agree. This is perfectly fine, as we live in a free market, and if an agreement is not reached, then the next step would be to move on to the next vendor that fits your particular demands. The topics I will be explaining will be very much directly related to my studio, and my method of doing things. Even though I share these views with a lot of my colleagues, you are not forced to understand my point, but indeed entitled to an explanation.

So lookout for these Customer Educational posts every week or so as I am sure you will find them interesting and informational. I will try to keep them short and to the point.